Please note that we follow strict quality control before any item is shipped to our customers. As a policy, we do not provide an exchange or return on any product once sold. In case you receive a damaged product or a different product (the product does not match the item in the order confirmation), kindly drop us a mail with your Order ID. We shall try our best to resolve it at the earliest.
- Product used or damaged by the customer will not be accepted as returns and hence no money will be refundable.
- The customer will incur all shipping charges, for returning the product to Avaasya Jaipur.
- The product being returned is the sole responsibility of the customer till it is delivered & received by Avaasya Jaipur.
- Product damaged or misplaced by the courier company in transit when a customer is returning a product will not be accepted as a return and no money will be refunded.
- Kindly note that prepaid orders will not be eligible for cancellation. The customer agrees not to dispute against the policies made by Avaasya Jaipur and accepts Avaasya Jaipur’s decision regarding the cancellation.
- If the customer doesn’t like the product design, exchange/return will not be accepted. We suggest that you read the product description and check all the photos before ordering. If necessary, you can also contact us for more information about the product.
- No Refund, Return & Exchange for the SALE/DISCOUNTS category.
- Products purchased prior to sale cannot be exchanged during sale period.